TV Documentaries of World Destinations

Programs featuring: Eco-Tourism, Outdoor Adventure, Cultures, Dance, Natural History, Archaeology

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Travelers will see my ECONEWS documentaries of international destinations. People of the world interviewed in my ECONEWS video documentaries will see their own images, hear their voices, listen to the music of their cultures.

The click-keys above will take viewers to our documentaries in the many nations of our travels.

Tanzania shows our TV programs of our tour of Tarangire National Park and our climb up Mount Kilimanjaro.

The nation of Tanzania dedicated Tarangire National Park to the protection of the many endangered species of that lush, wild region of East Africa -- the elephants, giraffes, lions, zebras, wilderbeasts, to name only the largests. In the Tarangire program, viewers will also see many species of gazelles, birds, and repiles.

The Kilimanjaro program shows my most difficult video documentary, my climb up Mount Kilimanjaro, 19,300 feet / 6,000 meters. 6 days and nights. Sponsored by Roger of Cultural Safaris and Tours.

Roger Fielding of Cultural Vacations and Safaris, located in Orlando, Florida, USA, sponsored our tour of Tarangire National Park and Mount Kilimanjaro.

ECOVIEW.Info offers my international travel documentaries, my radio interviews, my reviews of products and books, and my reviews of documentaries and theatrical features.

My technician designed this html/css assembly for the difficult and intermittent internet portals of the developing world. Though not elegant, this assembly will appear on screens and cellphones everwhere -- Ouarzazate, Mombasa, Atitlan, South Central Los Angeles.

Travelers will see my ECONEWS documentaries of international destinations. People of the world interviewed in my ECONEWS video documentaries will see their own images, hear their voices, listen to the music of their cultures.

Television stations may review my documentaries for their schedules. On request, I will provide high-definition video for broadcast.

Leaders and entrepreneurs interviewed who do not hear my radio programs via broadcast can hear their audio interviews via YouTube. Click on Interviews.

Entrepreneurs developing environmental products and services can view the text and / or video reviews of their products via URL on Products.

Writers may read my comments on their books in Reviews.

For reviews of documentaries and theatrical features, go to Movies.

Professor Nancy Pearlman of ECONEWS hosts most of the programs. She negotiated and produced the documentaries for her ECONEWS television series.

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