Films and Videos
America's War on Wild Horses
"America's War on Wild Horses and Burros" New Documentary Awarded at France/USA International Film Festival
"America's War on Wild Horses" is a new award winning documentary that has been selected by the French USA International Film Festival for the Cannes Film Festival in August 2025. The film exposes cruel roundups of wild horses and burros by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). These majestic creatures have a legal right and also a moral right to live freely in their designated herd areas but have now been largely zeroed out. Wild horses that remain are constantly under threat. Once our Western United States was home to million of mustangs but today have been reduced to a crippling low number, due to cruel helicopter roundups. Many horses end up in spirit killing substandard governmental corrals at tax payers expense or are going to slaughter in Mexico or Canada.
The federal government continues to waste hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars by perpetuating unjust persecution of the legally protected wild horses and burros. Often unfairly blamed as misfits for ecological damage and are often fenced off from water. Actually equids restore and enhance ecosystems as ecological keystone species. Their original evolutionary ancestral lineage, goes back millions of years, right here in the United States.
Many countries use wild horses to restore ecosystems. They prevent catastrophic fires by eating coarse, dry vegetation that cattle won't eat, thus preventing catastrophic wildfires. Horses build healthy humus-rich soils and disperse a variety of seeds for germination. Horses and burros dig water wells that help many animals to survive in dry areas. In spite of their natural beneficial environmental role, they are being unfairly targeted, scapegoated and blamed. We need to protect wild horses and burros as a living symbols of American West.
"America's War on Wild Horses" is a film by Tom Porter of Animal Consciousness, hosted by actor and animal activist Randal Massaro. Also featured by wildlife ecologist, author and wild horse litigant Craig C. Downer. Associate producer Joan Bryant, actor and author. Produced under department head of Cinema and Television instructor Dr. Krystle Klein of Los Angeles City College.
"We hope that these magnificent wild horses will be allowed to run free and be protected as true living spirits of freedom and valuable national treasures".
For more information contact: The Wild Horse
Tom Porter Director, Producer, Editor and Photographer  818-237-7875